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As communities strive to create safer outdoor spaces for relaxation and recreation, one technology has emerged as the front-runner in delivering the best overall value when it comes to safety in public spaces at night: solar lights.

By capturing the sun’s free electricity, solar lighting fixtures offer numerous advantages over traditional mains powered lighting. In this article, we will explore why solar lights are the future of security in public spaces, examining some of the key benefits, safety enhancements, and potential for integration into smarter connected cities.


Outdoor Public spaces offer a fantastic opportunity for communities to partake in all sorts of community events, exercise, and outdoor activities, but after dark safety can quickly become a concern for residents and the local council who’s responsibility it is to plan these spaces. Properly illuminated areas deter criminal activities, promote safety, and enhance the overall quality of public spaces. However, traditional lighting methods have limitations in terms of energy consumption, cost, and environmental impact. Solar lighting is one of the best ways of providing an alternative solution that addresses these issues while offering a range of additional benefits.

The Importance of Safety in Public Spaces

Public outdoor spaces, such as parks, parking areas, and pathways, are essential for community gatherings, recreational activities, and daily commuting. Ensuring the safety of these spaces is crucial for the peace of mind of residents and visitors alike. Adequate lighting plays a vital role in deterring crime, reducing accidents, and fostering a sense of safety and security.

Traditional Lighting vs. Solar Lights

Traditional lighting systems are dependent on the electricity grid, which can result in high energy costs. Additionally, the installation of mains lighting can be more complex and requires extensive ground, work, cabling, trenching connection costs which can make it a very expensive proposal. In contrast, solar lights operate independently of the electrical grid, instead charging from renewable energy from the sun. This fundamental difference offers several advantages that make solar lights an attractive option to improve public safety in outdoor spaces.

Advantages of Solar Lights

Defender 55 Solar Light Evanston Gardens SA

Energy Efficiency

Solar lights transform sunlight into electricity through photovoltaic cells, which offer the most energy efficient option for outdoor lighting. This choice bypasses the carbon emissions and energy consumption associated with mains powered lights. The decision to use solar lights not only contributes to a more sustainable and greener environment, but it also represents the cutting edge of energy efficient design. This makes solar lights the optimal choice for those seeking to minimise the carbon footprint of their projects.

Cost Savings

Although solar lights might require a higher upfront investment compared to traditional lighting, they present substantial cost benefits over time, making them a financially smart choice. Plus, solar public lighting has no operating costs as they do not require electricity from the grid. Plus, they require minimal maintenance, resulting in reduced cost of ownership over their lifespan.

Environmentally Friendly

Solar lights boast a remarkably small carbon footprint, positioning them as a green alternative in the realm of lighting solutions. They harness the clean, renewable energy of the sun, sidestepping the need for electricity generated from fossil fuels. This inherent use of solar power means that they actively reduce greenhouse gas emissions, a key contributor to climate change.

But their environmental impact goes beyond their own operations. The carbon emissions offset by solar lights can help balance out emissions produced by other projects or elements within a development. For instance, if a construction project involves elements that do produce carbon emissions, the introduction of solar lighting can help to mitigate that impact, reducing the overall carbon footprint of the project.

This makes them not only an environmentally responsible choice, but also a great tool for landscape architects and local government planners to help their clients achieve their sustainability goals.

Easy Installation and Maintenance

Installing solar lights is very simple compared to traditional lighting systems. They do not require wiring, trenching, power connection or even an electrician present to install allowing for flexible placement by. Moreover, solar lights require minimal maintenance, with Green Frog Systems solar products only needing occasional cleaning of the solar panel and periodic battery inspection every 5-10 years (depending on the install locations and the battery type in your product)

*Worth Noting– cheaper solar lighting products can have a lifespan as short as 1 to 2 years at which time they require complete replacement as they are often not serviceable. This can significantly add to the cost of a project having to hire skilled labour and elevated work platforms for access to then replace and dispose of failed units. Talk about bad news for the environment!

Green frog systems will always recommend investing in a quality product that is durable enough to endure the environmental conditions and a quality build that will remain reliable in the long-term.

Defender 55 Solar Light Evanston Gardens SA

Enhanced Safety with Solar Lights

Solar lights enhance safety in public spaces through their bright illumination. Well-lit areas discourage criminal activities by increasing visibility and creating a sense of security. Furthermore, solar lights can be strategically placed in areas prone to accidents or criminal behaviour, further deterring potential wrongdoers.

Improved Accessibility

Public spaces should be accessible to everyone, including individuals with disabilities. Solar lights can be equipped with motion sensors, ensuring that areas are well-lit when people approach. This feature improves accessibility for visually impaired individuals, providing them with a safer and more inclusive environment.

Solar Lights and Crime Prevention

The presence of well-lit areas has been proven to reduce crime rates significantly. Solar lights contribute to crime prevention by illuminating public spaces and making them less attractive to potential criminals. With their independent power source and bright illumination, solar lights play a crucial role in creating safer communities.

Defender 55 Solar Light Evanston Gardens SA

Innovative Features of Solar Lights

Solar lights offer innovative features that further enhance their effectiveness. Many models come with advanced technologies such as motion sensors, intelligent power scaling, and programmable profile settings. These features allow for customisation and improved energy management, ensuring optimal performance in various scenarios.

Integrating Solar Lights into Smart Cities

The smart cities concept revolves around the integration of technology to enhance urban living. Solar lights can be seamlessly integrated into smart city initiatives, providing efficient lighting solutions for public spaces. By connecting solar lights to a centralised management system (such as GFS – SAM) asset owners, managers and government authorities can monitor and control lighting levels, optimise energy consumption, and respond to maintenance needs proactively.

Overcoming Challenges

While solar lights offer numerous benefits, there are some challenges to consider when deploying them in public spaces.

Initial Investment

The upfront cost of installing solar lights may be a deterrent to some communities. However, it’s essential to consider the long term cost savings and environmental benefits that solar lights provide. In some cases, government tax incentives and financing purchase options are available to offset the initial investment.

Limited Sunlight

Areas with limited available sunlight or partial shading from trees may hold reservations about the effectiveness of solar lights. However, advancements in solar technology have made it possible for lights to operate effectively even in low-light conditions. (Green Frog Systems currently have a range of reliable products supplied into the UK – renown for it’s challenging sunlight conditions) Additionally, battery storage options including upgradable modular solutions like the AEROMAX can store excess energy in a multi-battery setup during periods of available sunlight, to ensure continuous operation through extended periods of overcast conditions.

Durability and Longevity

Solar lights are designed to withstand various weather conditions, including rain, snow, and extreme temperatures. However, it’s crucial to select high-quality products that offer durability and longevity. Regular maintenance and periodic inspections can help ensure optimal performance and extend the lifespan of solar lights.

SAM solar activity monitoring and control dashboard

Future Potential of Solar Lights

As renewable energy gains more prominence, the future potential of solar lights is a bright one! Advancements in technology and decreasing costs are making solar lights more accessible to communities worldwide. With further innovation and integration into existing smart city infrastructure, solar lights have the potential to revolutionise public space security and extend connected lighting platforms like SAM beyond the mains power grid.


Solar lights offer an innovative and sustainable solution for outdoor public space security. Overall energy efficiency, cost savings, and positive environmental impact make them a superior alternative to traditional lighting options in many cases. With enhanced safety features and potential integration into smart cities, solar lights are paving the way for a brighter, safer, and more sustainable future.


Are solar lights as bright as traditional lights?

Yes, modern solar lights can provide illumination comparable to traditional lights. Technological advancements have improved the efficiency and brightness of solar lighting systems.

How long do solar lights last?

Solar lights can have a lifespan from 5 to 15 years, depending on the quality of the product and maintenance practices. Regular inspections and cleaning can help extend their longevity.

Can solar lights be used in areas with limited sunlight?

Yes, solar lights can operate effectively in areas with limited sunlight. Advances in solar technology allow lights to generate power even in low-light conditions. Battery storage systems provide backup energy during periods of low sunlight.

Do solar lights require regular maintenance?

Solar lights require minimal maintenance. Periodic cleaning of solar panels and inspections to ensure proper functioning are recommended. However, compared to traditional lighting systems, solar lights have significantly lower maintenance requirements.

Can solar lights be integrated with existing lighting systems?

Yes, solar lights can be integrated with existing lighting systems. They offer a flexible and modular solution that can complement or replace traditional lighting infrastructure, depending on the specific needs of the area.

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